Jerico, Antioquia, Colombia- Madre Laura.

The primary warehouse where parchment is collected is located in Jericó, Antioquia. Jericó is a small and very Catholic town, home to Colombia’s only canonized saint, Madre Laura (Mother Laura). The town maintains a rich coffee culture that radiates throughout the town.

Our partner Daniel, founder of Campesino, set-up shop in Jericó in 2016. Through the work of Daniel and his team, Campesino is able to provide a new option to the local farmers to sell their coffee at higher prices, rewarding the hard work and attention to detail that is necessary to produce amazing coffees. Daniel also facilitates our direct relationships with growers in Jericó and provides micro-loans for infrastructure projects, cupping analysis and frequent farm visits.

This blend is made up of coffees from over 120 small farms in Jericó. Each individual lot is cupped and analyzed to find the perfect balance that best represents the distinct profile that the town of Jericó is becoming known for. We are super excited to continue working with Daniel and the producers in Jericó, and we are proud to be a part of their growth

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