Avatar Coffee Roasters Blog

Jared Hales

What is coffee “processing” and how does it impact flavor?

There are several common methods of processing coffee, and each method can result in a very different final taste. The method of fermenting and drying the coffee ultimately comes down to a decision by the coffee grower, producer or processor – whoever is handling the coffee cherries after picking. 

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Jared Hales

Defining Avatar Coffee roast levels

To assist in choosing the right roast profile for your preference, we have created a quick reference to describe each roast level.

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Jared Hales

How does roasting affect flavor in coffee?

Most of us have a general idea of what type of coffee or roast we prefer to drink, but what impact does the roasting process really have on the flavor of our favorite coffees?

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Jared Hales
Recipes: AeroPress

Recipes: AeroPress

The AeroPress is one of our favorite coffee brewers for so many reasons. It is easy to use, extremely durable, compact and most importantly it can produce some truly exceptional cups of coffee. Read on to learn our go-to recipe using the Prismo attachment.

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